The promotion of sound safety, health, and environmental practices shall be the policy of the KD Shipyard Repairs, LLC. Environmental performance, health, and safety are the organization's key values. These principles are thought to be advantageous to the community, businesses, staff, and clients.
Committed to carrying out business in a way that safeguards the environment, public health, worker safety, and occupational safety.
We employed personnel trained by OSHA who are able to conduct OSHA safety training in the areas of good housekeeping, welding, fire safety, ventilation, forklift safety, and fall prevention.
Make every effort to prevent mishaps and hazards to the environment.
Remain dedicated to abiding by the laws and regulations pertaining to health, safety, and the environment.
Collaborate with its staff, partners, vendors, clients, contractors, and suppliers to advance responsible product, process, and service management.
Promote open dialogue on addressing safety, health, and environmental issues with its stakeholders, customers, suppliers, and workers.
KD Shipyard Repairs, LLC is an active member on the VSRA Safety and Environmental Committee also meets to discuss current environmental topics and future concerns which affect the ship repair community.